Interesting Discovery about HUMAN vision
Eye is a highly complex and evolved sensory organ of human beings.It helps us to see the world by recieveing light and sending the visual information to our brain.
Retina is the organ on which the image is formed.Now a days many researches are going about "How the vision of our eyes evolved?"Recent study revealed that Human vision has been evolved from BACTERIA. What !!! How can it be possible?
Scientists claimed that human vision is evolve from bacteria.Eye is a complex organ of our body.It has been taken a long time to evolve to this stage. The vision of eye has been partly caused by a gene which is found in bacteria.In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers used software to study the evolution of human genes, in turn discovering genes that originated from bacteria.
The human retina's ability to respond to light came from a gene that was acquired from bacteria. Bacteria possess the ability to exchange genes in the form of viruses or free pieces of DNA known as transposons, Indy100 reported.This particular gene is called IRBP (interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein) and is responsible for encoding proteins in a layer of cells over the retina, the study said. Researchers say that the switch from microbes to vertebrates happened over 500 million-years-ago.
IRBP is produced and secreted by photoreceptors. The main function of IRBP is to stabilize IPM, transport lipid between photoreceptors and the
"At least one innovation that led to the current structure of vertebrate eyes did not occur from stepwise "tinkering" with genes that exist in other animals, but came from introduction of novel DNA from bacteria by horizontal gene transfer," study author Matt Daughtery wrote on Twitter.
Many other fascinating secrets related to our eyes has to be discovered .Researchers are daily working on the evolution of human being's eye.
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