HYPNIC JERK ; a horrible experience during sleep !!
It is a common experience of all during the afternoon naps or sometimes during night to feel this horrible thing called HYPNIC JERKS.By reading this term we all get confused what am I talking about.It is nothing but the feeling of as if the foot slips or sometimes sense of sudden fall from somewhere during the initial stage of sleep.Then we awake suddenly and our heartbeat increases, we start to sweat profusely.
It is also called as Sleep starts which is an involuntary muscle contractions.Most of the times it is painless ,although some people do report a painful sensation.
What are the causes ?
Various factors like emotional stress, physical exercise and excess use of caffeine and other stimulants,bright lights ,sudden noise causes sleep strarts.
A study at the University of Colorado suggested that it is evolutionary, stretching back to our primate ancestors." A reflex of the brain's misinterpritation of muscle relaxation with the onset of sleep as a signal that a sleeping primate is falling out of a tree. The refelx may also have had selective value by having the sleeper readjust or review his or her sleeping position in a nest or on a branch in order to assure that a fall did not occur.
Is it a disorder ?
Hypnetic jerks are not dangerous.As they are felt by about 70% of the population.It can be a bit annoying to us.However, some symptoms similar to hypnic jerks may require medical attention.If, during the daytime, you experience multiple, persistent contractions in your muscles that spread to other parts of your body, you could be experiencing a different type of myoclonus, rather than a hypnic jerk. These types of myoclonus can be indicators of other medical conditions. If you experience other types of jerking movements during sleep beyond hypnic jerks as you fall asleep, they could be symptoms of periodic limb movement disorder. If you are concerned your muscle jerks are a symptom of another issue, speak to your doctor.
Tips to prevent Hypnic jerks
♦ Exercise earlier.
♦ Don't eat too much before bed.
♦ Reduce noise.
♦ Reduce stress.
♦ Minimize caffeine intake.
♦ Try to relax by doing meditation to reduce the stress.
♦ Avoid alcohol and nicotine.
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