
Showing posts from May, 2023

A story about an extincted animal

       In course of evolution of Earth many species have been extincted.There are many reasons for this extinction.Such as climatic condition,human exploitation,scarcity of food and water ,competition etc.We all know one such animal called Dinosaurs ,which was extincted due to volcanic erruptions as some say.But here I am not talking about dinosaurs , rather I am talking about STELLER'S SEA COW.   Sea cow is a mammal , which is now extinct,  that once  inhabited  nearshore areas of the  Komandor Islands  in the  Bering Sea .They were first discovered by Arctic explorers.It belonged to the order sirenian ,which is an order of four leg aquatic mammal. The order Sirenia was named after the  Sirens  of  Greek mythology , and sirenians are believed to be the basis for the  mermaid   myth . Modern sirenians have two front limbs in the form of flippers but no hind limbs; even the pelvis is vestigial, and there are ...

Interesting Discovery about HUMAN vision

      Eye is a highly complex and evolved sensory organ of human beings.It helps us to see the world by recieveing light and sending the visual information to our brain.   Retina is the organ on which the image is formed.Now a days many researches are going about "How the vision of our eyes evolved?"Recent study revealed that Human vision has been evolved from BACTERIA. What !!! How can it be possible?      Scientists claimed that human vision is evolve from bacteria.Eye is a complex organ of our body.It has been taken a long time to evolve to this stage. The vision of eye has been partly caused by a gene which is found in bacteria. In a  study  published in the  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , researchers used software to study the evolution of human genes, in turn discovering genes that originated from bacteria.    The human retina's ability to respond to light came from a gene that was acquired from bacter...

BIO-LUMINESCENCE ; An astounding sight at beaches!!

      By seeing this picture some of you might think as it is an edited picture .But it is not,it is a biological phenomenon called BIO-LUMINESCENCE . Again a biological term whose meaning is very simple 'light produced by a living organism'.Yes !! you heard me right.It is due to some marine organisms ,sometimes due to some fungi or bacteria.            Now we will try to know the reason behind this astounding sight which can also be seen in the beaches of Gokarna.It occurs through a chemical reaction that produces light energy within an organism's body.For this reaction to occur ,the organism must have a chemical named LUCIFERIN,which when reacts with oxygen to produce light. Bioluminescence is found in many marine organism like bacteria ,algae,jellyfish,starfish,etc.In fish alone there are about 1500 species known that luminiscence.     A question may come to our mind Why do they light up? It is not for our enchantment.For so...