
Showing posts from July, 2023

Brain controlling WORM !!

Yes you heard right .There is a worm commonly called Horse Hair worm which is scientifically called  Nematomorpha   which can control the brain of many insects. It is commonly found in damp areas  such as watering troughs, swimming pools, streams, puddles, and cisterns.There are many interesting facts about this worm. The name “horsehair worm” refers to the old belief that they came from horse hairs that fell into water and came to life.     The adult worms are free-living, but the larvae need a host for maturation.The larvae parasites on grasshoppers,crickets,cockroaches and some kind of beetles.When they mature they leave the host body to lay eggs.But the reliefing fact is that they are harmless for humans,pets and livestocks.   They control the brain of insects to reach some places where water is available.This worm will turn the insects into sucidal maniacs!!    A ccording to parasitologist Ben Hanelt of the University of New Mexico,o nce the ...